Case Study: Geodesic projection domes with 360 video for product marketing

Recently Canadian company Algarithm set up a 20ft (6m) geodesic 360 projection dome to promote their plant-based, ocean-friendly Omega-3 ingredients at the Supplyside West Tradeshow in Las Vegas.

Aiming to evoke a strong emotional reaction, Algarithm needed high-quality 360 underwater footage that prominently featured marine wildlife commonly impacted by overfishing.

The immersive content, captured and edited by Mark Davidson of Akuario, was filmed on a Insta360 Pro2 camera inside the Mantis Sub housing in both Hawaii and Bonaire. It included interactions with manta rays, critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals, sharks, turtles, and more.

Although recorded in 8K, the limitation of the available projectors limited the active resolution inside the dome to 3K. Nevertheless the reaction from the public spoke volumes:

Wow!” / “Fantastic!” / “Awesome!” / “Oh my gosh!” / “So peaceful” / “Truly unbelievable!” / “Best in Show!” / “You guys have got to see this!” / “It makes you want to get in the water
— Visitors of the projection dome

Mark was glowing as he witnessed the impact the videos had on people: "I truly couldn't be happier with the Insta360/Mantis Sub pairing", he said, adding "it's difficult to describe how much it has simplified my work: from preparation, in the water, through post-production. To finally be experiencing the content in the format for which it was intended, is magical. Seeing people in awe of the ocean makes all of the hard work worthwhile".

Algarithm was also very pleased with the outcome. The booth captured the attention and hearts of many tradeshow attendees who chose to spend their valuable networking time visiting and re-visiting. In an environment where time is currency, this was a testament to the quality of the footage and the impact of the 360 degree dome projection format.

We think geodesic domes are one of the best ways to experience 360 video. And we’re excited to hear that it doesn’t have to be the latest high-resolution projectors. In the words of one of the visitors … “you guys have got to see this!”


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